A sitemap can be a file (usually in XML format), which contains a list of all the pages on your website that you want Google to understand. It should be set in the root folder of your website and accessible to search engine crawlers.
In this post, you'll learn the three totally different ways you can use to submit a sitemap to Google.
- Using Google Search Console (recommended method)
- Using robots.txt
- Using the statement
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Submit a Sitemap using the Google Search Console
This is the most important standard and recommended technique.
Step 1 – Confirm that your sitemap is located inside the root folder of your website and is publicly accessible.
Open a new browser window and type the URL of the sitemap. sometimes it is the following format:
https://example.com/sitemap.xml or
If all is well, you will see something like this:
Step 2: Register your website with Google Search Console
If you haven't already done so, you'd like to create an associate degree account and register your website with Google. If you already have an associate degree account, continue to step three. Have you read about What is SWOT SEO ? Basic Techniques For Beginners.
Step 3 – Submit Your Sitemap
- Click on SITE MAPS (under INDEX)
- Add the name of your sitemap (with the extension) inside the 'Add a new sitemap' space
- Click the submit button
If all is well, you will be promoted with the message "Sitemap submitted successfully".
That's all you have to try to get Google to make your sitemap. Google can monitor the sitemap file for changes and add new pages to its index.
Submit a sitemap by Using the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file may be a computer file that resides within the root folder of your web {site} and provides instructions for search engines in those files (or parts) of a site that they will crawl and index.
Checkout these Top 7 ways To Earn Massive Income with Blogging 2022 and make money at home. One of the ways you will be able to increase your robots is the 'sitemap'. You can add this anywhere you want within the file and it is in the following format:
Sitemap: 'path to your sitemap file'.
Here is an example of how a robots.txt appears with the sitemap portion.
When search engines (not just Google) scan your robots.txt file, they will also crawl and index your sitemap.
User Agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemap.xml
Submit a Sitemap using Statement or Programmatically
This is the smallest standard technique that you can use, but it is an alternative option that you have to create your sitemap in-market for Google.
You can use the ping command programmatically by maltreating the following format:
http://www.google.com/ping?sitemap='path to sitemap file'
For example:
You can also open a browser window by pasting the URL. Once submitted, you will receive a 'sitemap notification received'.
How to remove a sitemap from google
If for some reason you want to get rid of a Google sitemap:
- Sign in to Google Search Console
- Click on SITE MAPS (under INDEX)
- Click on the sitemap file you want to get rid of
- Click on the 3 dots (top right corner) and choose remove SITE MAP
Do I have to use all 3 ways to submit my website to Google?
No. Use only one of the forms. The recommended technique is to submit the sitemap through Google Search Console. In this way, you will be able to check the statistics and, in addition, resubmit them if necessary.